Deck Tales


  • Deck Tales, on its surface, is a collaborative storytelling card game.

    On a deeper level, it’s an art form. It’s a tool for you to explore your creativity and see a new side of your friends and family.

    It’s also a ton of fun.

    Check out our YouTube channel to see how we play.

  • The official version of Deck Tales is not yet available for sale, but we hope to make that possible soon!

    While you wait, try our free Print-and-Play versions and sign up for our newsletter. We’ll let you know as soon as you can get your hands on that sweet sweet cardstock.

    If you’re feeling generous and want to support our creators, you can leave a tip.

  • Our free print-and-plays are black-and-white pdf versions of Deck Tales that you can print at home.

    The print-and-play decks are a bit smaller than the official versions will be, but there are still plenty of cards for infinite stories to be told. You might want to enlist a friend to help you cut them out.

    The print-and-play storyboards are designed to fit on two pages taped together.

    We periodically update the decks and boards and will be adding more, so sign up for our Deck Tales newsletter to stay in the loop.

    Check out our how to play page for more info.

  • Your local library might have a printer you can borrow for free or cheap.

    If not, or if you want to print on higher quality paper, try a local print shop. We print the versions you see on our livestream at FedEx or Staples.

    If you don’t have any luck finding a printer to use, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

    Alternatively, sign up for our newsletter and we’ll keep you posted on when you can order the official version!

  • Deck Tales cards and storyboards are carefully designed to inspire your imagination based on tropes you’re probably familiar with.

    There is no wrong direction to take a story when it’s your turn to describe the scene. Also, feel free to ask your friends and family for help if you’re seriously stumped. The goal is to create a great story and have some fun!

    But if you’d really rather just watch, subscribe to our channel on YouTube.

Have another burning question? Please feel free to contact us.