What the blank is Deck tales?
In a way, Deck Tales is a philosophy, a way of life, a guiding string of reason amid the tangled insanity of the modern era.
In another, more accurate way, Deck Tales is a game where you use cards and a board to tell stories.
We call it, yup:
A storytelling card game.
What’s the pitch? How do you describe it so people will actually play it? Basically, Cards Against Humanity meets Dungeons and Dragons. Make up ridiculous scenarios by playing cards to finish prompts, then weave them into a story by actually using your brains.
It’s a silly party game with some actual substance. It’s like a role-playing game but you finish the story in an hour or less instead of being unable to meet anymore due to schedule conflicts. There are other storytelling games out there, and it’s a bit like those, except with an underlying structure based on academic stuff like this instead of letting people like me ramble on and take the narrative basically nowhere.
Sounds intimidating? Check out our Youtube for videos of us telling our dumb stories. We managed to set the bar super low, and yet we still had a blast.
Ready to play the game? Download the print and play version and grab a pair of scissors. There’s a reason it’s on the logo.
Anyways, have fun, let us know what you think, and stay tuned for more from us here at the 8Ways team!